Starting PreK:: Teacher Gift

Back to School Teacher Gift

My daughter, Karis, starts Pre-K in September here in New York City, Queens. It’s a big deal for her and for my husband and I. But more about that in another post.

I’ve been thinking a lot about teachers, specifically here in New York City and wonder how often do they get appreciated by the parents of their students. I’ve decided I want my daughters teachers to know that I see them, recognize them and appreciate what they do. So I’ve decided to put together a super affordable teacher gift for Karis’ teacher and her assistant on their first day. I see and hear about a lot of parents doing this for teachers across the country and wondered how often is it done here at our NYC schools.

For me this is just another way to do something thoughtful and bring something pretty into someone else’s life.

I got the idea for this gift here, on the Laura Winslow Photography Blog. All the items can pretty much be found at Target’s Dollar Spot. And the printable tag can be found here.

Here are more Back to School Ideas I have pinned on Pinterest:

Have you thought about teacher appreciation gifts for the first day? What are your ideas?


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